
  • 80% return to baseball after meniscectomy: New study

    Professional baseball players are likely to return to sport after a meniscectomy, according to a new study. The study, “Performance and Return to Sports After Meniscectomy in Professional Baseball Players,” was published online on February 11, 2022, in The American Journal of Sports Medicine.

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  • 79% of hamstring injuries involve biceps femoris: Here’s why

    Rapid movements with high eccentric demands of the posterior thigh are likely the main cause of hamstring injury in professional male athletes, according to a new study.

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  • Ultrasound technique predicts hip dysplasia in infants

    A technique that uses ultrasound images to determine the depth and shape of the hip socket can accurately predict which infants with hip dysplasia will develop normal hip structure and which remain dysplastic, according to a study in Radiology. Researchers said statistical shape modeling improves on existing techniques and could spare many infants from unnecessary treatment.

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  • A Better Way to Correct Severe Scoliosis in Kids?

    Young patients with early-onset scoliosis, a dangerous curvature of the spine, have two options for surgery, but a new study finds one of the procedures results in fewer complications.

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  • No, children don't magically 'grow out' of flat feet. Treatment is key to avoid long-term pain

    Every day, parents around the world are told their child's flat feet are normal and they will grow out of it. This isn't true—they just grow up and out of their paediatricians' practice. Failure to intervene when problem flat feet are identified is a disservice to the child. Research shows they don't get better, and usually get worse.

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